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Economy and Jobs

Rep. Massie Introduces Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act to "End the Fed"

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For Immediate Release Contact: Contact #: 202-225-3465 WASHINGTON, D.C.- Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces the introduction of H.R. 1846, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie's legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the…

Massie Introduces Patent Reform Legislation Restoring "First to Invent" Protection to Inventors

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For Immediate Release Contact: Contact #: 202-225-3465 WASHINGTON, D.C.- Representative Thomas Massie announces the introduction of patent reform legislation designed to restore to Americans a patent system "as the Constitution of the United States originally envisioned it." Massie's legislation, HR 8134, the "Restoring America's Leadership…

PRESS RELEASE: Massie Legislation to "Audit the Fed" Moves Forward in the House

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 – The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (OGR), chaired by Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), has announced it will consider Congressman Thomas Massie’s H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015, also known as “Audit the Fed,” in a markup session on Tuesday, May 17, 2016. A committee markup, where committee members offer amendments…

PRESS RELEASE: U.S. Representatives Massie and Pingree Reintroduce Milk Freedom Legislation

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U.S. Representatives Thomas Massie (R–KY), Chellie Pingree (D–ME), and a bipartisan coalition of 16 other lawmakers have reintroduced legislation to improve consumer food choices and to protect local farmers from federal interference. The two bills – the Milk Freedom of Act of 2015 (H.R. 3563) and the Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2015 (H.R. 3564) – are the newest in a series of “food and farm freedom” initiatives the lawmaking duo have championed this year, following the Industrial Hemp Act of 2015 (H.R. 525) and the PRIME Act (H.R. 3187).

Press Release: House Passes Massies Bipartisan Hemp Amendment

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The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed an industrial hemp amendment sponsored by Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY), Congressman Andy Barr (R-KY), Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO), Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), and Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR). The amendment was part of the Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) appropriations bill, which funds many government agencies, including the Department of Justice and the Department of Commerce.

Press Release: U.S. Representative Thomas Massie Introduces Bill to Secure National Road and Bridge Funding

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Today, Congressman Thomas Massie introduced the DRIVE (Developing Roadway Infrastructure for a Vibrant Economy) Act of 2015 with Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Congressman Justin Amash (R-MI), Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), and Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) as original co-sponsors. The DRIVE Act (H.R. 1461) would help keep the Highway Trust Fund solvent and improve our national infrastructure, without raising the gas tax, by refocusing the Highway Trust Fund on its original and proper role of building and maintaining federal highways and bridges.

PRESS RELEASE: U.S. Representative Massie Introduces Bipartisan Milk Freedom Legislation

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 – Congressman Massie (R–KY), Chellie Pingree (D–ME) and a bipartisan coalition of 18 other lawmakers have introduced legislation to improve consumer food choices and to protect local farmers from federal interference. The two bills – the “Milk Freedom of Act of 2014” and the “Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014” – are the first…

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