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PRESS RELEASE: Rep. Massie, Rep. Radel and Rep. Amash Introduce the Life, Liberty, and Justice for All Americans Act

Today, Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-4), Congressman Trey Radel (FL-19) and Congressman Justin Amash (MI-3) introduced the Life, Liberty, and Justice for All Americans Act, which prevents the executive branch from authorizing military strikes upon American citizens on American soil.

For Immediate Release

Tuesday March 19, 2013 


(202) 225-3465

Rep. Massie, Rep. Radel and Rep. Amash Introduce the Life, Liberty, and Justice for All Americans Act

Today, Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-4), Congressman Trey Radel (FL-19) and Congressman Justin Amash (MI-3) introduced the Life, Liberty, and Justice for All Americans Act, which prevents the executive branch from authorizing military strikes upon American citizens on American soil.  

“We are the greatest nation on earth because our Constitution protects life and assures liberty for all citizens," said Rep. Radel. The government should be vigilant in defense of our rights especially with the use of military force, and most importantly when it comes to using that force against Americans within our borders," said Radel. 

“The Constitution protects Americans from being assassinated by their own government using drones or any other weapons,” said Rep. Amash. Our bill affirms citizens’ constitutionally protected right to due process and ensures that Americans do not have to fear that military force will be used against them in their homes, offices, and, yes, even in cafés,” said Amash.

“The federal government does not have the authority to execute Americans on U.S. soil without the Constitutional right of due process,” said Rep. Massie. “Constituents in my district are deeply concerned about the privacy, safety, and constitutionality of government drones in U.S. airspace,” said Massie.

CLICK HERE for a copy of the Life, Liberty, and Justice for All Americans Act.


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