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Rep. Massie Statement on 2013 March for Life

Congressman Massie issued this statement regarding the 2013 March for Life

Rep. Massie Statement on 2013 March for Life

Congressman Massie issued this statement regarding the 2013 March for Life:
"Today I welcome my constituents and citizens from all over the country who have traveled to DC to participate in the annual March for Life. I commend your heroism and dedication. Many of you travel thousands of miles each year at this time to make your voices heard in protest of one of the greatest judicial travesties of our time, the infamous United States Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. That 1973 decision and its progeny struck down state laws protecting unborn human life, unleashed unlimited abortion-on-demand, and resulted in the termination of over 50 million lives.
I believe that life begins at conception. I will always vote against taxpayer funding of abortion, Planned Parenthood, abortion pills, and embryonic stem cell research. And I will continue to fight and speak out against the unconscionable Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate that forces churches and religious organizations to fund family planning services and abortion-inducing drugs.
Just societies and cultures protect the most innocent and vulnerable among us. I thank and salute today's marchers for upholding this truth, and for reminding our fellow citizens and leaders of the sacredness of human life. Together we will work toward the day when our nation's laws once again protect each and every human being, born and unborn."


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