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2nd Amendment

PRESS RELEASE: Republican Congressmen Form the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus

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For Immediate Release (202) 225-3465 Thursday December 8, 2016  Republican Congressmen Form the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus ​ Today, a group of U.S. Representatives, led by Congressman Thomas Massie, launched the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus. ​ “The recent election results present us with a new opportunity to advance pro-gun legislation…

PRESS RELEASE: U.S. Representative Massie Urges Courts to Protect Second Amendment

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U.S. Representative Thomas Massie and 14 members of the House of Representatives filed an amicus brief to Defense Distributed v. United States Department of State in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. The attorney for the plaintiff is Alan Gura, who successfully argued McDonald v. City of Chicago and Heller v. District of Columbia before the U. S. Supreme Court. The brief is intended to advise the appellate court and support the plaintiff’s case.

Congressman Massie Introduces Amendment to Restore the Right to Bear Arms in the District Of Columbia

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 - Today, Congressman Massie introduced an amendment to the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act of 2015 that would block the District of Columbia from using taxpayer dollars to enforce the following DC laws: the Firearms Registration Amendment Act of 2008, the Inoperable Pistol Amendment Act of 2008, the Firearms Amendment Act of 2012, and the…

PRESS RELEASE: U.S. Representative Massie Proposes Repeal of Federal Gun Free School Zones Act

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“Gun free zones prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves, and create vulnerable populations that are targeted by criminals” Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced H.R. 133, the Citizens Protection Act of 2013, which would repeal the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990. The bill, originally introduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) in 2007, repeals the Gun Free…

PRESS RELEASE: U.S. Representative Massie Proposes Repeal of Federal Gun Free School Zones Act

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“Gun free zones prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves, and create vulnerable populations that are targeted by criminals” Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced H.R. 133, the Citizens Protection Act of 2013, which would repeal the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990. The bill, originally introduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) in 2007, repeals the Gun Free…

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