Massie Talks Guns, Senate Filibuster with the Cynthiana Rotary Club
I recently met with the Cynthiana Rotary Club at the request of my friend, Avi Bear. We discussed some current topics of debate in Washington, D.C.
Despite robust opposition during the debate on gun control, H.R. 8, a bill to make it harder to purchase a gun, passed the House. It may also pass the Senate if the Senators eliminate the 60 vote rule. When Republicans were in the majority, I upset many conservatives by arguing to preserve the 60 vote filibuster. If it were up to me, there would be a 99 vote rule! Regardless of which party is in the majority, no conservative should want to lower the threshold for spending money or passing regulations.
So who will these expanded background checks affect? Of 112,000 denials of firearm purchases, only TWELVE were prosecuted. I believe over 90% of these denials were actually law-abiding citizens wrongfully denied because their names were similar to others in the system--an avoidable error that disproportionately disenfranchises minorities with common surnames.
We also had a good discussion about whether Congress should take a more active role in directing the money it authorizes the government to spend. Since before I came to Congress, there's been an experimental ban on earmarks that was supposed to decrease spending and discourage politicians from selling out. But in that time, the national debt has skyrocketed from 14 trillion to 30 trillion, and politicians have found other excuses to sell out. Did the so-called earmark ban achieve the intended outcomes or did it simply empower unelected bureaucrats?
I received some great questions at this event, including one about the military occupation of the Capitol. I was one of the first to object to this political theatre and inappropriate engagement of our National Guard. To separate the people's House from the people with soldiers and barbed wire is to make Congress even less accessible and less relevant than it is now. We must open our doors.
Thank you to Dan Clifford, President of the Rotary Club, and other members and guests, including Kentucky State Rep. Mark Hart, Harrison County GOP Chairman Mike Fisher, Darwin Root, Chuck Duffy, Scott Hofmeister, Greg Wills, Linda Furnish, Yvette Yoho, Bill Selin, Les Waller, Jim Wilson, Howard Fryman, John Carter, and Steve Snapp. It was a pleasure to join you in Cynthiana at Biancke's. Their pies are out of this world!