I want to provide you with an update on issues that we discussed in Congress in May.
This month, I had the opportunity to appear as Glenn Beck's guest on his Blaze TV show. We discussed the importance of protecting private property rights in the context of the Biden Administration's effort to give COVID-19 intellectual property away and the Center for Disease Control's unconstitutional eviction moratorium. The video of my interview is included.
You may have heard that Speaker Pelosi fined me for declining to wear my mask on the House floor. Her mask mandate is both unscientific and unconstitutional. I recently appeared with Kennedy on the Fox Business Network to discuss Pelosi's mask mandate in greater detail. I've embedded the video, and I have provided a photo of where I "filed" Speaker Pelosi's warning letter.
In the Judiciary Committee, gun-grabbers held a hearing this month to advance their gun control agenda. I spoke in opposition to remind Judiciary Democrats that their policies create "victims of gun control." Video of my comments appears below.
It was a pleasure to host my annual U.S. Academy Day for students and parents who want to learn more about the U.S. Service Academies. While it is not necessary to attend in order to apply for a nomination, students who attend can learn more about the nomination process. The nomination process also includes an additional day in the fall when applicants have formal interviews with representatives from the academies.
The National Taxpayers Union announced the 33 House recipients of their "Taxpayers' Friend Award" in May. I am pleased to announce that I received this award and that my score of 96% is the highest achieved by any member of Kentucky's House delegation.
On Facebook, I paid a Memorial Day tribute to the heroes who gave their lives to secure and protect our freedoms. We must not take for granted those who have sacrificed so much in defense of our liberty.
You can also keep track of my Congressional work on my regularly updated social media accounts. I hope you will consider following me on Facebook and Twitter.
Massie Joins Glenn Beck to Discuss Property Rights
If Joe Biden gives away the intellectual property for the vaccines and then compels companies to teach people how to reverse engineer their processes and trade secrets, he will cause all of our drug manufacturing to go overseas. Currently, we make vaccines in places like Kansas and Michigan.
Regarding the eviction moratorium, the CDC is telling renters, "you don't have to pay your rent." But if you're a property owner, try not paying your property taxes this year or last year and see what happens. They will take your property away and sell it at an auction. So when the CDC tells renters they don't have to pay rent, they're taking property from private property holders. Congress didn't even vote on the CDC's eviction moratorium, which makes it extra-unconstitutional.
Massie: Pelosi's Mask Mandate is Political Theater for the Cameras
Currently, Speaker Pelosi is slapping members of congress with fines for refusing to wear masks, but this isn’t about us. She’s establishing the predicate for all of America. If we don't stand up to this right now, employers, schools, and businesses all over the country will mandate people wear masks forever or get vaccinated (possibly annually), whether the vaccine is beneficial to them or not. They’ll try to deprive citizens of their jobs, education, and freedom to travel if they don’t get the vaccine, and they’ll use Pelosi’s rules in the House of Representatives as their guide and justification.
That's why we're standing up now and telling Pelosi, “No more masks!”
Where I filed Speaker Pelosi's letter warning me to follow her mask rule.
Massie Reminds Gun-Grabbers: Your Policies Create "Victims of Gun Control"
I care about the "victims of gun control" like my former staff member who watched as her husband was killed in front of her because she followed the gun control laws, and her assailant, her stalker, did not. She left her concealed carry weapon in her car because it was a "gun-free zone." It's a sign to which no criminal ever pays attention.
Background checks create "victims of gun control" too, particularly for racial minorities. Dr. John Lott says that when he was recently working in the U.S. Department of Justice, he saw data showing that the false positive rate for Black males was more than three times their share of the population, and was more than twice the share of the population for Hispanic males.
In some places, they say "if you have a good reason, we'll let you have a gun." This is where you see the most racial discrimination. In Los Angeles County, where about 50 percent of the population is Hispanic, they only get about six and a half percent of the gun permits, women about seven percent, and Blacks five percent. But nationwide, where people can get a permit generally without having to demonstrate such a need, 30 percent of permit holders are women. 13 percent are Black.
If you're well-connected, if your last name is Biden, you can lie on the form, you can get a gun. If you need special permission in New York City, you can get a gun if you're wealthy and famous. But if you're a poor minority? No.
As Republicans, we care about lives. We care about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You cannot have liberty, you cannot have the pursuit of happiness, without defense of life.
Massie Hosts Annual U.S. Service Academy Day
As your United States Representative, I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of qualified candidates to attend one of the U.S. Service Academies. The honor of attending a Service Academy comes with an obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation.
Approximately 100 students and their parents attended my annual U.S. Service Academy Day to learn more about the nation's military academies. Representatives from the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, the United States Air Force Academy, the United States Merchant Marine Academy, and the United States Coast Guard Academy were in attendance to provide presentations about their institutions. In addition, we were joined by Representative Savannah Maddox, who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and offered remarks commending students in attendance.
The U.S. Service Academies offer young men and women an opportunity to serve their country while improving all facets of their character through a rigorous academic curriculum and a disciplined moral and physical regimen. Competition for entry into a Service Academy is high, and nominees are chosen based on several factors: character, leadership, academic excellence, physical aptitude, and extracurricular activities.
Congratulations to Braxton Cannon (United States Air Force Academy), William Whitlock (United States Air Force Academy), Peter Laskey (United States Naval Academy), David "Trey" Gronotte III (United States Military Academy), Jack Latherow (United States Military Academy), Nicolas Pauley (United States Military Academy), Nathan Wells (United States Military Academy), Colin Pritchett (United States Military Academy- Award accepted by his parents, Bob and Irene), Emelia Campbell (United States Coast Guard Academy), Matthew LePrell (United States Military Academy) and Joseph Farris (United States Merchant Marine Academy) for accepting their appointments to attend their respective academies! To all of the attendees who are veterans or active duty- thank you for your service!
Massie Receives "Taxpayers' Friend Award" from National Taxpayers Union
I am pleased to announce that I have received the National Taxpayers Union's "Taxpayers' Friend Award" for my voting record in the second session of the 116th Congress. Only 33 House members received this designation. My score of 96% is the highest in the Kentucky House delegation, and it tied for the highest attained in the House of Representatives. The House average was 42%.
“The pandemic created unprecedented challenges for our nation -- and for taxpayers,” said Pete Sepp, President of NTU. “Despite these difficult circumstances, taxpayers should know that Thomas Massie continued to support fiscal discipline and responsible governance. Now more than ever, we need leaders like Rep. Massie to get our nation’s finances back in order and help restore our prosperity. National Taxpayers Union thanks Thomas Massie for his efforts on behalf of the people who pay government's bills."
NTU included 178 House votes in the 2020 scorecard. NTU’s rating program calculates a Member’s voting record on fiscal responsibility by evaluating every vote that impacts tax, spending, trade, and regulatory policy.
Massie Remembers America's Fallen Heroes
Each Memorial Day, we recognize and honor those who gave their lives in service to our nation. Please join me in remembering our fallen heroes, prisoners of war, and those missing in action.
In liberty,
Thomas Massie Member of Congress