Massie News Clips
Monday April 7, 2014

Rep. Massie Introduces Bipartisan Milk Freedom Bills 

Excerpt: Now, with the introduction of two new bills in Congress by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), proponents of legalizing raw milk are making strides on the national front, too. Massie’s first bill, the “Milk Freedom Act of 2014,” would overturn the interstate ban on raw milk, and his other bill, the “Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014,” would allow interstate shipment of raw milk only between two states where raw milk sales are already legal… Massie’s bills already have nearly 20 co-sponsors, including Reps. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), Jared Polis (D-Colo.) and Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)… 

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Politico: Raw politics drive milk wars
Reason: House Raw Milk Bills Give Hope to Farmers, Consumers
Henry County Local: Massie supports raw deal for milk
Tyler Morning Telegraph: When left, right agree on policy

Congressman Massie Fights for Small Inventors

Excerpt: Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) is warning that lawmakers could be making it harder for inventors by rushing through legislation to take on “patent trolls.”

Massie, who holds 29 patents himself, said the effort shifts the balance against small inventors and in favor of large companies.

“In an effort to prune every tree, all the intellectual property in the United States, we could cause more harm than good," he said at an event sponsored by Bloomberg. 

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The Hill: GOP Rep: Patent Reform ‘could cause more harm than good’
Business Week: Is Congress trying to fix the wrong patent problem?


Funding Options for Brent Spence Bridge?

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has pushed the idea of redirecting U.S. foreign aid into a new transportation infrastructure fund… Massie also supports that concept, and he said it’s wildly popular among his constituents…

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Cincinnati Enquirer: Congress won’t ride to rescue on Brent Spence Bridge

Conservative House Members Disappointed by Secret "Doc Fix" Voice Vote 

Excerpt: Conservative House members confronted Speaker John A. Boehner at a private Wednesday morning meeting, fuming that last week’s secret deal to pass the “doc fix” violated the trust between leaders and their rank and file… Reps. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Louie Gohmert of Texas were the most outspoken critics of leadership’s tactic at the meeting, according to sources in the room.

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Roll Call: Conservatives Still Fuming Over Secret ‘Doc Fix’ Voice Vote
National Journal: After Venting Over ‘Sneaking’ Doc-Fix Vote, House GOP Coalesces Behind Ryan Budget



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