Dear Friend,
The Secretary of the Department of Energy, Dr. Moniz, who was a professor at my alma mater MIT, said in a Science Committee hearing that pipelines can transport carbon dioxide from carbon capture power plants to help extract oil, citing as an example a pipeline that stretches from North Dakota to Canada. Given the Administration’s opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline, I asked if he thought getting approval for carbon dioxide pipelines would be as difficult as getting approval for tar sands pipelines.
Watch Congressman Massie Question Secretary Moniz by Clicking on the Picture.
The Secretary then reluctantly conceded that a fossil fuel plant that uses carbon capture is less efficient than a plant that does not use carbon capture. I asked how much more it would cost to run a carbon capture plant, and how the increased cost would affect the price of electricity for American consumers. You can watch the exchange by clicking here.
As you can see from this short exchange, getting straight answers from this Administration is often like pulling teeth, but I'm determined to hold the federal government accountable to you, the taxpayer.
In Liberty,
Congressman Thomas Massie