Dear Friend, 
The House just passed the Surface Transportation Reauthorization & Reform Act of 2015, which authorizes funds for the Highway Trust Fund for six years.
As the only member of Kentucky’s congressional delegation on the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, I wanted to update you on an important provision included in that bill.  

Massie-sponsored Provision to Expand Veterans’ Access to Healthcare and Employment Included in Transportation Bill
I sponsored a provision included in the Surface Transportation Reauthorization & Reform Act that would expand U.S. military veterans’ employment opportunities in the civilian workforce, particularly in the trucking industry. I have long supported this effort. Since learning about this issue from a constituent, my staff and I have worked with industry leaders to find a solution and have expressed our concerns with relevant federal agencies. In fact, I brought this issue to the attention of Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx on February 11, 2015, and have been working on this issue for veterans since then. 
Click on the photo to watch Rep. Massie and Dept. of Transportation Secretary Foxx discuss veterans' issues.

The trucking industry has long been a source of employment for veterans and their families, but recent regulations make it difficult for them to receive the commercial drivers license (CDL) required for the job. In 2014, the Department of Transportation implemented regulations that required physical exams for CDLs to be conducted only by medical professionals on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (NRCME). Unfortunately, only a fraction of otherwise qualified physicians have completed the costly and time-consuming certification process. The VA employs just fifteen physicians that are listed on the NRCME. This provision corrects this issue by allowing VA physicians in good standing with the agency to conduct the physical exam in accordance with NRCME standards, streamlining qualified veterans’ entry into the trucking industry. 
One of my priorities is to make it easier for veterans to succeed after serving our country. This provision, while small, offers a simple fix that will help some veterans during their transition to the private sector. Those veterans who already work in the trucking industry, and receive their healthcare from the VA, will be able to save several hundreds of dollars in doctors fees over their careers by getting their CDL physicals at the VA.
I am also an original co-sponsor of the VETOPPS (Veterans’ Expanded Trucking Opportunities) Act, the standalone version of this provision, which was introduced by Representative Rob Woodall (R-GA).

It is an honor to represent Kentucky’s 4th congressional district and make sure your voice is heard in Washington.

In Liberty,
Congressman Thomas Massie
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