For Immediate Release
Wednesday December 9, 2015 (202) 225-3465

U.S. Representatives Jones and Massie Introduce Bill to Cut Ex-Speaker Office


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) and Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-4) introduced legislation to de-authorize the post-speaker office that retired speakers enjoy for up to five years after they leave office. The practice started in 1971 when former Speaker John McCormack retired. In the past 44 years, the perk has grown to include office allowances, franking privileges, and staff help for the former speaker. Former Speaker Dennis Hastert spent $1.9 million in taxpayer money running his post-speaker office. Meanwhile, he was making big money as a Washington, DC lobbyist and had the disposable income to pay $1.7 million to someone who was blackmailing him over allegedly molesting young boys.

“It is ridiculous that a former speaker needs 5 years and millions of taxpayer dollars to maintain an office in the Capitol building,” said Congressman Jones. “They are no longer a member of Congress. Upon leaving office, former speakers have access to many perks and opportunities, including government pensions, book deals, lobbying, speaking engagements, and consulting. If they want an office, they can pay for it themselves. We need to cut this unnecessary taxpayer-funded perk and deal with our $18 trillion debt.”

“I’m confident that when we get this legislation to the floor, every member of Congress will vote with us to eliminate this waste of taxpayer dollars,” Massie said.  “This week's omnibus presents an immediate opportunity to defund the ex-speaker's office, but the most probable vehicle is an amendment containing Mr. Jones' legislation, that we can offer next summer during the appropriations debate,” he added.

Congressman Jones also sent a letter to Speaker Ryan today about the need to de-authorize to the post-speaker office. Watch video of Congressman Jones’ remarks at the press conference here


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