Dear Friend, 
As an engineer, I enjoy math. In fact, I chose my congressional office in D.C. based on the room number (314) and its resemblance to the mathematical constant pi (3.14...). I even make it a point to celebrate Pi Day, which occurs on March 14 of every year. Pi Day 2016 was this past Monday, so my staff began the week by inviting friends to stop by the office and enjoy some pie! I spent the remainder of the week listening to constituents from Kentucky's fourth district, asking questions in committee hearings, and voting on legislation. 
Greetings from the Pi Office

Congressman Massie earned a Bachelor's Degree in electrical engineering and a Master's Degree in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and enjoys working with numbers. He altered the placard in front of his office so that the room number resembles the mathematical constant pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. (Photo credit: Gage Skidmore)

Kentucky Soybean Association

Congressman Massie meets with Kentucky Soybean Farmers on March 15, 2016 to discuss issues such as trade and transportation.

ALS Association

Congressman Massie meets with Patrick McCowen of the ALS Association on March 15, 2016 to discuss amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Congressman Massie meets with representatives of the Friends Committee on National Legislation on March 15, 2016 to discuss criminal justice reform.

Waterways Council, Inc.

Congressman Massie meets with the Waterways Council, Inc. on March 15, 2016 to discuss inland waterways and ports.

Kentucky Community and Technical College System

Congressman Massie meets with Dr. Jay Box, President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, on March 15, 2016 to discuss the latest workforce training programs and initiatives throughout Kentucky.

Kentucky Future Farmers of America

Congressman Massie meets with James Kash and Caitlin Ross, representatives of Agriculture Future of America and the Kentucky Future Farmers of America Association, on March 15, 2016 to discuss the importance of the agriculture industry.

RiverWorks Discovery Lunch

Congressman Massie explores the RiverWorks Discovery exhibit on March 15, 2016. The interactive traveling exhibit of the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium and the National Rivers Hall of Fame illustrates the importance of America’s inland waterways.

National Association of Elementary School Principals

Congressman Massie meets with principals of Kentucky elementary schools to discuss education issues facing Kentucky schools on March 15, 2016.

National Pest Management Association

Congressman Massie meets with Gerald Moore of Independence, Kentucky on March 15, 2016 to discuss issues important to the pest control industry.

Kentucky Chapter of the National Association of Postmasters of the United States

Congressman Massie meets with the Kentucky Chapter of the National Association of Postmasters of the United States on March 15, 2016 to discuss issues important to postmasters.


Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts

Congressman Massie meets with the Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts on March 15, 2016 to discuss agriculture and its relationship to conservation practices.

University of Kentucky Engineering Students

Congressman Massie meets with seniors from the University of Kentucky’s College of Engineering on March 16, 2016 to discuss how his background as an engineer informs his approach to Congress. Congressman Massie encouraged the students to pursue their interest in engineering, and thanked them for taking interest in the field.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Congressman Massie meets with representatives of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society on March 16, 2016 to learn more about multiple sclerosis treatment.

Congressman Massie Investigates Foreign Infrastructure Programs
On Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a congressional hearing to investigate infrastructure projects in Afghanistan. I had five minutes to question a panel of experts, which included John F. Sopko (Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction) and Christine S. Abizaid (Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia). 
I asked if they had anything to show for the $8 billion dollars the United States has spent on counternarcotics efforts in Afghanistan since 2002, because opiate production in that country is the highest it's ever been and the heroin problem in the United States continues to grow. Watch the video below to see their response. 

Click on the image above to watch a video of the questions.


Congressman Massie Pens Op-Ed on the Apple v. FBI Debate
This week, the Cincinnati Enquirer published my op-ed on the Apple encryption debate. If Apple loses this landmark case, only outlaws, our government, and foreigners can have privacy and security. 

I will continue to support Apple and oppose the government's ongoing war on your privacy and security. 

Click on the image below to read my full op-ed. 

Click on the image above to read the op-ed.

In Liberty,
Congressman Thomas Massie
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