Dear friend,
The last two weeks in Washington have been busy as constituents from Kentucky's fourth district traveled to D.C. to advocate for a variety of important issues.

Kentucky Farm Bureau Breakfast

Congressman Massie discusses food and farm issues at the Kentucky Farm Bureau Breakfast in Washington on February 23rd, 2016. For more pictures from the event, click here.

Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives

Congressman Massie discusses coal, electric cars, and "regular order" in Congress with the Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives on February 23rd, 2016. For more pictures from the event, click here.
Kentucky Medical Association

Congressman Massie meets with members of the Kentucky Medical Association on February 23, 2016 to discuss issues important to the Commonwealth's physicians and the patients they serve. 

Kentucky Broadcasters Association

Congressman Massie meets with the Kentucky Broadcasters Association on February 24, 2016. He is a co-sponsor of the Local Radio Freedom Act to oppose new taxes and fees on local broadcast radio stations. The association supports the bill.

League of United Latin American Citizens

Congressman Massie meets members of the League of United Latin American Citizens on February 25, 2016. Alma Gonzales, standing at the far left of this picture, is a constituent from Florence, Kentucky! Alma and Congressman Massie discussed issues important to the Latino community, including education and student loans.

Kentucky Second Amendment Ladies Group

Congressman Massie meets representatives from the Kentucky Second Amendment Ladies Group on February 26, 2016 to talk about the right to keep and bear arms. Pictured are Robyn Sandoval, Amanda Suffecool, Debbie DeSpain, and Jeanelle Westrom.

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Congressman Massie meets with John Ranson, Martha Cassity, and other members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars on March 1, 2016 to discuss important issues like the budget and care for women veterans.

Ovarian Cancer National Alliance

Congressman Massie meets with members of the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance on March 1, 2016 for the organization's annual Advocacy Day.

Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education

Congressman Massie meets with members of the Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education on March 1, 2016 to discuss career and technical education and the reauthorization of the Perkins Act.

Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance

Congressman Massie meets with members of the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance on March 2, 2016 to discuss tuberous sclerosis complex, a disease of the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and skin.

Society of Health and Physical Education Educators

Congressman Massie meets with members of the Society of Health and Physical Educators on March 2, 2016 to discuss the importance of physical and health education.
National Fragile X Foundation

Congressman Massie meets with constituents Nick and Joe Garera of Erlanger, Kentucky during their trip to Washington, D.C. for the National Fragile X Foundation Advocacy Day on March 2, 2016.

Paralyzed Veterans of America

Congressman Massie meets with members of the Paralyzed Veterans of America on March 2, 2016 to discuss the department of Veterans Affairs, the expansion of caregiver support services, and other ways to address the needs of disabled veterans. Pictured are constituent Tom Vallandingham (Harrison County) and Mike Murphy.

 Kentucky State Fraternal Order of Police

Congressman Massie meets with members of the Kentucky State Fraternal Order of Police on March 2, 2016 to discuss issues important to state and local law enforcement, including social security and criminal justice reform.

American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association and the Association of American Railroads

Congressman Massie meets with the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association and the Association of American Railroads on March 3, 2016 for Railroad Day 2016 to discuss issues important to the rail industry.

International Students for Liberty Conference 2016

Congressman Massie and Congressman Amash (R-MI) take questions from the audience at the International Students for Liberty Conference on February 26, 2016. For more pictures from the event, click here.

Last Friday I attended the 2016 International Students For Liberty Conference hosted by Students for Liberty. Students For Liberty is a student-driven organization dedicated to advancing liberty and freedom on campuses around the globe. The conference gives these students the opportunity to come together for a weekend of learning.

Young Americans for Liberty invited Congressman Amash and me to chair a panel about our efforts to promote the principles of liberty. We discussed foreign policy, surveillance reform, federal spending, and the power of social media.

Big thanks to International Students for Liberty and Young Americans for Liberty for inviting us!

Congresman Massie Discusses Liberty, Guns, and Privacy in 2016 with ReasonTV

I talked liberty, guns, and privacy in 2016 with Nick Gillespie of ReasonTV at the 2016 International Students For Liberty Conference. Here's a shortened version of that interview.

Click on the image to watch the interview.

Congressman Massie Participates in Science Committee Hearing on Gravity Waves

Earlier this month, scientists from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detected gravitational waves, confirming what Albert Einstein predicted a century ago.
Last Wednesday, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a congressional hearing to explore this groundbreaking discovery. I had five minutes to question the panel of experts, which included Dr. David Shoemaker, the Director of the ‪LIGO‬ Laboratory at my alma mater ‪MIT‬. I wish I had more than five minutes to ask questions! 
Click on the image below to watch my questions.

Click on the image to watch a video of the questions.

Congressman Massie Discusses the Apple Encryption Debate, Defends Your Right to Privacy
When the government forces companies to install backdoors to spy on citizens, it puts everyone at risk.

In 2014 and 2015 I offered amendments that would have prevented the government from compelling companies to install surveillance backdoors in their products. Both my amendments passed, but they were unfortunately stripped out of the end-of-the-year omnibus bills that fund the government. 

To learn more, listen to my interview with Leland Conway of 840 WHAS by clicking on the image below. 

Click on the image above to listen to the interview.

Thank you for reading my newsletter!

In Liberty,
Congressman Thomas Massie
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