Dear Friend,
Since I have been in office, I have consistently done my best to reduce the size and scope of government. I am honored that several organizations like Gun Owners of America, the National Federation of Independent Business, FreedomWorks, the American Conservative Union, the National Taxpayers Union, and the Club for Growth have recognized my efforts.
Gun Owners of America "A+ Pro-Gun Leader"
Gun Owners of America gives Congressman Massie an "A+ Pro-Gun Leader rating." |
I am honored to be one of only 12 sitting representatives to receive an "A+ Pro-Gun Leader" rating from the Gun Owners of America this year!
In order to receive an A+, one must not only be a stalwart of the Second Amendment but also lead by introducing pro-gun legislation.
I will always fight to protect your Second Amendment rights. Too many politicians fail to realize that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is not principally about hunting or recreation. The Second Amendment to our Constitution is our Founding Fathers’ restatement of our natural God-given right to defend life, liberty, and property against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
National Federation of Independent Business
"Guardian of Small Business Award"
National Federation of Independent Business President and CEO Juanita Duggan recognizes Congressman Massie with the "Guardian of Small Business Award." |
I am honored to receive the National Federation of Independent Business "Guardian of Small Business Award" for my perfect 100% rating.
The National Federation of Independent Business scoring covers votes that affect small businesses.
FreedomWorks "FreedomFighter Award"
FreedomWorks President and CEO Adam Brandon recognizes Congressman Massie with the "FreedomFighter Award" for his perfect voting record. |
FreedomWorks gives the "FreedomFighter Award" to recognize representatives who consistently vote to support economic freedom and individual liberty. I am honored to be one of only 14 representatives to receive a perfect 100% rating.
The FreedomWorks scoring covers key votes on many conservative priorities, including repeal of Obamacare, elimination of the death tax, and limitations on domestic surveillance.
American Conservative Union "Award for Conservative Excellence"
ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp and Executive Director Dan Schneider recognize Congressman Massie with the "Award for Conservative Excellence." |
For the 45th consecutive year, The American Conservative Union (ACU) rated members of Congress based on their votes on key issues. I am honored to be one of only 29 representatives to receive a perfect 100% rating this year.
The ACU scoring covers votes on many constitutional principles like limited and transparent government, individual rights, and personal responsibility.
National Taxpayers Union "A" Rating
The National Taxpayers Union named Congressman Massie a "Taxpayers' Friend" for consistently voting to promote economic freedom and reduce the burden of the American Taxpayer. |
I am honored to receive an “A" rating from the National Taxpayers Union for my voting record in Congress. Only 43 of the 435 congressmen in the House of Representatives received their highest grade.
The National Taxpayers Union scoring covers every vote that affects taxes, spending, and debt.
Club for Growth "Defender of Economic Freedom"
Club for Growth President David McIntosh recognizes Congressman Massie with the "Defender of Economic Freedom" award. |
I am honored to be one of only 30 representatives this year to receive the Club for Growth’s “Defender of Economic Freedom” award for my voting record during the first session of the 114th Congress! I received a score of 92%.
The Club for Growth scoring covers key votes on economic policies that affect regulations, taxes, and the size of government.
I will always be an unwavering advocate for personal liberty, economic freedom, and fiscal responsibility.
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In Liberty,
Congressman Thomas Massie