For Immediate Release
Monday May 19, 2014

Rep. Massie Provides Straight Talk during Alexandria Town Hall Meeting

Excerpt: U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Garrison, walked off the podium and answered questions face-to-face during a Thursday Town Hall Meeting at the Calvin A. Perry Community Center.

Massie, who is not involved in the May 20 primary election, promised "straight talk" that his constituents would not hear on television...

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Kentucky Enquirer: Massie provides "straight talk" during Town Hall Meeting

Congressman Massie Supports Lawsuit Against DEA for Illegally Blocking Hemp Seed to Kentucky

Excerpt: “We don't need more legislation,” Massie says. “If they won’t respect the laws that Congress has passed, it won’t do us any good to pass another law.”

Massie introduced the hemp amendment to the farm bill’s House version, alongside Reps. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., and Jared Polis, D-Colo…

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U.S. News & World Report: Kentucky Takes DEA to Court Over 'Illegal' Hemp Seed Seizure
My CN2:  Ag Department and DEA sow seeds of agreement for release of hemp


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