Dear Friend,
In case you missed it, I joined Representatives Polis (CO) and Bluemenauer (OR) to introduce an amendment to the Farm Bill to allow colleges and universities to grow and cultivate industrial hemp for agricultural and research purposes. It would only apply in states where industrial hemp growth and cultivation is already allowed by state law, like Kentucky.
Fortunately, the amendment was ruled "in order" by the rules committee. Last night we debated the issue in the House. It is likely that some time early today (Thursday, June 20th), my fellow congressmen and I will vote on the amendment. We don't have much time to mobilize support for this common sense legislation, so please share this news immediately and encourage others to do the same.
Industrial hemp is used for hundreds of products including paper, clothing, rope, and can be converted into renewable bio-fuels more efficiently than corn or switch grass. It's our goal that the research this amendment enables would further broadcast the economic benefits of the sustainable and job-creating crop.
here to view the text of the amendment. The debate on the amendment can be viewed here.
This bill is a small but important step toward providing the Commonwealth's economy with the job-creating advantages of industrial hemp.
In liberty,
Thomas Massie
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