Dear Friends,
Americans have known all along that the Affordable Care Act was not going to make healthcare more affordable. Obamacare is already destroying the 40-hour work week and preventing families from keeping their preferred doctors. Obamacare is a train wreck.
But beyond the many failures of the controversial healthcare law, what concerns me most is the deception and arrogance with which Obamacare was crafted.
Professor Jonathan Gruber, a key architect of Obamacare, infamously said, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. … Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing [obamacare] to pass.”
This man was paid taxpayer dollars to deceive the American public and help write a law that has forced Americans to buy health insurance they can't afford.
Today, Professor Jonathan Gruber testified before the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and I had a few questions for him...
Rep. Massie Asks Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber Questions at House Oversight Committee Hearing
Click on the photo to watch the video of questions.
I first asked Dr. Gruber, “Under what circumstances is it ethical to deceive someone for his or her own benefit?”
I also asked him about a paper he wrote in 1997 entitled, “Abortion legalization and child living circumstances: Who is the ‘marginal child,’” in which he concludes that increasing the number of abortions in poor communities saves the government money and improves circumstances for the rest of us.
His faulty logic and pseudoscience is dangerous. I am concerned that his theory of economics could be used to justify rationing of healthcare for the elderly.
Watch the entire 6 minute video here.
In Liberty,
Thomas Massie