Representatives Massie, Jones, and Lynch Applaud Release of 28 Pages
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY), Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-NC), and Congressman Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA) commented on the release of the 28 classified pages of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001. The pages were initially classified by President George W. Bush and remained classified under President Barack Obama until their release today.
“Since the tragic September 11 attacks almost fifteen years ago, the American public has demanded, unsuccessfully, the full truth surrounding 9/11. I am pleased that Congressman Jones, Congressman Lynch, and I were able to do our small part in providing some answers,” said Congressman Massie. "Hopefully, these pages will provide some resolution to the families of victims of the attacks and help our government craft better foreign policy moving forward.”
“This has been a long journey on behalf of the 9/11 families who have felt the horrific pain of that day for years. This process started over two years ago when Congressman Lynch and I introduced H. Res. 428 and wrote a letter to President Obama urging him to release the 28 pages. We promised the families that we would not stop until the pages were declassified and are happy that President Obama kept his promise to the 9/11 families. I want to thank Congressman Stephen Lynch and Congressman Thomas Massie for joining me in this effort to give peace to the families,” said Congressman Jones.
“I am extremely pleased that these 28 pages are being released. I am especially happy for the families of the victims and the American people as a whole. Releasing the contents of the 28 pages will answer some of the many questions that remain. Through the passionate advocacy of victims’ families and some of my colleagues in Congress including Congressman Jones and Congressman Massie, we finally have greater transparency about the investigation into the circumstances surrounding September 11th. I extend my thanks to President Obama for initiating the review and for the decision to make these pages public,” said Congressman Lynch.
To read the 28 pages, click here.