Friday May 20, 2016 WEBSITE | SHARE ON: 

Dear Friend,
Transparency proponents earned a big win this week. My bill to “‪‎Audit the Fed,” the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015 (H.R. 24), passed the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Tuesday, May 17th. This is an important step toward getting the bill to the House floor for a vote. Read on to learn more about my activities in Washington.

House Committee Advances Massie’s Fed Transparency Bill

Over the past century, the value of the dollar has declined by over 95%. During those 100 years, the Federal Reserve, the organization established by Congress to manage Congress’s Article I, Section 8 constitutional authority “to coin money” and “regulate the value thereof,” has operated under a shroud of secrecy. H.R. 24 puts an end to that reign of secrecy.

Click on image to watch video. 
The Federal Reserve should not keep secrets from Congress. Ironically, the people who argue against an audit make the case for an audit by saying that transparency may affect the way the Fed operates. Congress created the Federal Reserve, so it is Congress’s responsibility to audit the Federal Reserve. Americans want and deserve more transparency.
To learn more about the committee markup, click here

Congressman Massie Appears on C-SPAN's Washington Journal

On Wednesday, May 18th, I joined C-SPAN's Washington Journal to talk with host Greta Brawner about recent votes in Congress, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, and more. 

Click on image to watch video.

Thoughts on Obama Administration Guidance on Transgender School Bathroom Policy
On May 13th, the Obama Administration ordered schools to let transgender students use the bathrooms of their choice. 
Neither the President nor the Congress, and certainly not either acting alone, has the constitutional authority to determine bathroom policy in the 50 states. Along with Common Core and school lunch mandates, the recent bathroom edict is another reason why we should abolish the federal Department of Education.
Read this article for more information.

Thank you for the opportunity to represent Kentucky's fourth district. I will always fight for more transparency in Washington, D.C. 

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In Liberty,
Congressman Thomas Massie
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