For Immediate Release
Thursday Sep 18, 2014 (202) 225-3465
Nation’s Largest Taxpayer Group Honors Rep. Thomas Massie with “Taxpayers’ Friend Award”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) presented Congressman Thomas Massie with the Taxpayers’ Friend Award.  Only 45 of the 435 Congressmen in the House of Representatives received the award.  Congressman Massie was the highest rated of all Kentucky Representatives.
“With so many remaining doubts that our economy has completely turned a corner, it's never been more important for Washington to change direction on fiscal policy,” NTU President Pete Sepp said. “Fortunately, the taxpayers of Kentucky’s Fourth District could count on Rep. Massie to help put our nation on a saner path. Day in and day out, Rep. Massie earned the title of 'Taxpayers' Friend.'”
“On my first day in Congress, I pledged to be an unwavering advocate for personal liberty, economic freedom, and constitutionally limited government,” said Massie. “I will always fight for the fiscal responsibility that Kentucky’s and America’s taxpayers deserve from their government.”
Since 1979, NTU has given the Taxpayers’ Friend Award to Congressmen who work to reduce taxes, regulation, federal spending, and national debt.  The award is based on House and Senate votes affecting fiscal policy.
“Congressman Massie’s pro-taxpayer score of 89 percent was one of the best in the entire Congress,” Sepp continued. “By casting principled votes for limited government time and again, Rep. Massie has led by example in the fight to defend overburdened taxpayers across the country.”
“If every Member of Congress voted as carefully as Rep. Massie, current and future generations of Americans could enjoy much lower taxes and a less wasteful government,” Sepp added. “Hard-working families in Kentucky’s 4th District and across the nation owe Rep. Massie a debt of gratitude for his effort on their behalf.”


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