Massie News Clips
Tuesday April 15, 2014

Congressman Massie Votes Against Ryan Budget

Excerpt: "Democrats want to increase spending 5.2% each year. Paul Ryan's budget would increase spending 3.5% each year. Only in Washington could a 3.5% increase in spending be considered "draconian" or "austere!" I applaud Congressman Ryan for suggesting some very important spending reforms and I share his frustration with the rhetoric that liberals have used to dismiss his budget. Nonetheless, I think we should be cutting spending instead of increasing it. My favorite plan is the ‪‎penny plan‬, which would cut spending by a modest 1% each year until the budget balances."


Newsmax: GOP Rep. Massie: Ryan Budget ‘Reflection’ of Sad Fiscal Reality in DC
Wall Street journal: Ryan Budget Attempts to Bridge GOP Divide
Associated Press: House passes Ryan budget; promises balanced federal ledger in 10 years
Roll Call: Breaking Down the 12 Republican ‘No” Votes on the Ryan Budget.
Newsmax: House Conservatives Skeptical of Paul Ryan's Budget
Facebook: Congressman Massie Explains Opposition to Ryan Budget

Congressman Massie’s Raw Milk Initiatives Continue to Garner Attention

Excerpt: In March, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), introduced two bills, the “Milk Freedom of Act of 2014” and the “Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014,” to stop the Food and Drug Administration from preventing raw milk sales. In Massie’s words, “The federal government should not punish farmers for providing customers the foods they want, and states should be free to set their own laws regulating food safety.”


Food Dive: Got Raw milk?
Ron Paul Institute: Ron Paul: “Hands off raw milk!”

Rep. Massie Votes to Hold ex-IRS Official Lois Lerner in Contempt

Excerpt: A House panel votes to hold ex-IRS official Lerner in contempt of Congress

A House committee voted Thursday to hold Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress, as Republicans escalated their bid to "get to the bottom" of the former IRS official's role in the political targeting scandal. 

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on which Rep. Massie serves, voted 21-12 to hold Lerner in contempt. The party-line vote followed hours of heated debate on the committee.


Fox News: House panel votes to hold ex-IRS official Lerner in contempt of Congress



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